🛏️ Where can I ditch my mattress?
- 7 min read

🛏️ Where can I ditch my mattress?

Plus, how Austin has literally gotten higher in the last 50 years.


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☀️ Happy Hump Day, Austin.

Today, we'll tell you how to get rid of bulk items (your old mattress, that washing machine that hasn't worked since New Year's, an armchair that no one is interested in on Facebook Marketplace).

Then, check out how high Austin, or rather its skyline, has gotten in recent years and peep why spring is one of THE best times for bugs (ugh).

How to get rid of sh*t 101

We’ve all been there.

First that old microwave breaks. Then the cat pisses on your Wayfair rug (and there’s no getting that smell out). And then there’s that old office chair that can’t swivel anymore …

And suddenly, you have a corner-full of house crap that 👏 needs 👏 to 👏 go.

But it’s easier said than done trying to get it all gone. Here are four options for ya:

Use the city of Austin’s pickup services

If you choose this route, there’s a limit to what the crew will pick up. They’ll take furniture, but not mirrors. Pallets, but not cardboard boxes. 

Next is to find out when your collection weeks are scheduled. Type in your address here, and it’ll show you when there’s one for your neighborhood. 

Collection weeks can differ by neighborhood. You also have to be signed up for trash and/or recycling to take advantage of this.

There are two collection weeks each year. And just because they’re called “weeks” doesn’t mean you have five days to set new items out by your curb.

A quick step-by-step guide:

🕔 You want to put those old chairs and whatnot outside before 5:30 a.m. that Monday. 

3️⃣ Sort items into three categories: metal items, which include appliances like microwaves, but be sure to yank the doors off of them; the tires of passenger cars without the rims; and any items that aren’t metal, like carpets. The non-metal items all go to a landfill.

📏 Try to place things at least 5 feet away from your trash bins, cars, fences, etc.

🚫 Don’t put anything in bags or boxes! They’ll just be thrown into the trash, which could cost you more

Different trucks pick up things in those three different categories (metal, non-metal and tires). And they may come at different times throughout the week.

So just make sure you put all your crap out by the curb in time and call it a day.

Buy Nothing

We are of the mind that Austin’s Facebook Marketplace circuit is, most of the time, a haven of hidden gems. 

Well, one of those groups is called Buy Nothing. Instead of listing unwanted items for a cost, folks will just be like, Hey, here’s a bunch of old wood, newspapers and 3 dining chairs. Have at it. 

So you could do the same for all your items, even if they’re broken, technically. Let the Austin DIYers descend and do their thing.

Schedule a time for Goodwill or Salvation Army to come pick things up

We did this recently for a mattress and it was so easy. chef's kiss

Hire a junk collection service

This one is listed last ‘cause it costs money. But still worth including, especially if you have a tonnnnn of stuff to get rid of. Just do a Google search to see how many services there are and what their rates are like.

Marie Kondo really was onto something, when you think about what a headache all of this can be ...

— Katie Canales, Editor

Temperature: 83 degrees | Sun: Hidden | What to Expect: Patchy morning fog

Dreary weather will take over midweek with some fog and drizzle for the first half of the day. The second half will be warm and cloudy with light south winds. The gray weather won’t be giving us FOMO for today.

Mary’s Tip: If you're looking for a cozy happy hour, check out the Cape Bottle Room in downtown. Happy hour starts at 2 p.m.

Austin is getting higher

But not the fun, Eeyore's Birthday kind of high. Rather its buildings are getting taller, and Austin is getting more of them.

If you moved here in or before 2015 and downtown feels unrecognizable to you, there's a good reason for that. 

Title: The chart shows the number of towers taller than 328 feet completed in Austin each year over the past 50 years. Graphic description: The chart shows that only three towers were built before 2000 with the majority of towers being built after 2015.

In the past 50 years, at least 39 towers over 328 feet (or 100 meters) have been built in Austin. But the majority of those towers (26 to be precise) were completed in 2015 or after. All that construction means Austin’s downtown is getting denser and taller. 

But some of Austin’s tallest towers haven’t even been completed yet. Next year, the Republic is set to become Austin’s second-tallest building at 710 feet. The current title for tallest is held by the Sixth & Guadalupe tower, which rises to a casual 865 feet. However, Sixth & Guad will soon be surpassed by Waterline, a 1,022-foot, mixed-use tower expected to be completed in 2026. (Not sure if its glass tower views or the price tag on its condos will take one's breath away faster.) Its completion will bump the Republic down to third place in the who-towers-over-Austin-the-most competition. 

Austin's 5 tallest buildings as compared to the Texas Capitol

Monte Bach / Austin Daily

These days, it's hard to believe, but there was a time when the Texas Capitol was the tallest building in Austin. Really, truly. For 84 years, between 1888 and 1972, it towered over the Austin skyline. But, as seen above, those days are long gone.

Want to go deeper? I'd recommend digging into these three articles that delve into the growth of downtown Austin’s towers.

  • Is Austin building for the future of the city’s office needs or building for a bust? The Washington Post writes that Austin’s office market is exploding, but no one is moving in.
  • Architecture and design magazine Dezeen explores whether Austin's surge of supertall skyscrapers is helping downtown become more lively and livable or creating elitist divides in the city.
  • Plus, KVUE reports the construction boom in downtown Austin appears to finally be slowing down.

Spring is the Super Bowl for Things That Crawl

Yes, spring is a time for rebirth and growth for flowers and trees, yadda yadda. But it's also a time of resurgence for insect pests. Excuse me while I walk around my house armed with a shoe at all times for squashing purposes.

Beware, insects are always on the move and seeking ideal conditions for growth, according to Natran, a pet company servicing Austin and Houston. And Central Texas weather supports creepy crawlers all year because its fluctuating patterns create optimal breeding and survival conditions for pests. 

Common spring pests in Texas include:

🏠 Termites: Spring rains bring out the termites as they start searching for drier places to establish colonies. These pests can cause severe damage to homes, making them a top concern in spring.

🦟 Mosquitoes: During wet weather, mosquitoes are more active and in search of nesting sites in puddles and containers that hold standing water. 

🐝 Bees and wasps: These pollinators are searching for flowers as much as they can to make honey and build nests.

🐜 Ants: Certain ant species become more active in spring and often venture into homes in search of food, especially during wet weather. 

Natran recommends checking your wood decks and fences regularly for signs of termite damage, dumping any standing water to discourage mosquitoes from nesting and sealing any gaps around windows and doors to prevent pests from entering your home. 

Making a few adjustments to the environment around your home can go a long way in keeping pests at bay: 

  • Landscaping: Keep shrubs and trees trimmed, ensuring they don't touch your home. This denies pests an accessible bridge to your house.
  • Drainage solutions: Install proper drainage solutions to prevent water from pooling.
  • Lighting: Insects are drawn to traditional outdoor lights, but you can use yellow "bug lights" to reduce the number of pests that are attracted to your home at night.

And there's also the tried-and-true approach: dousing yourself in Off spray whenever you step outside.

— Mary Wasson, Meteorologist

🦀 Arch Support

Today's clue is for 6 Down: What Austin will feel like soon, with everyone's two-piece sets and wicker purses at Saturday brunches.

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